Thursday, June 30, 2005

Powerpoint Companion to Getting Things Done

Archived class materials posted: Click here for a Powerpoint presentation loosely based on a PMI resource deconstructing "Getting Things Done" by David Allen.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Free RSS Calendar Tool

I'm researching a class I'm putting together on RSS and came across this free RSS Calendar. You can publish to a blog, export to an aggregator or iCal, even allow comments. I like it!

RSSCalendar is an exciting new way for individuals and organizations to share their calendars with family, friends, and co-workers - utilizing the latest in "Really Simple Syndication" (RSS) technology, including RSS channel creation and aggregation. Not only is RSSCalendar easy to use but it is also easy to administer, and setup is a snap. RSSCalendar is well-suited for a variety of uses, including:
  • Individual calendars
  • Family calendars
  • Company calendars
  • School calendars
  • Organization calendars
  • Team calendars
  • City calendars


    Learn Health and Well-being via online Course

    From the July 2005 Internet Resources Newsletter we find RDN's Virtual Training Suite which offers new eLearning courses in Arts and Crafts, Digital Photography, Gardening, Health and Well-being, and Job Searching. Nice!

    See all their tutorials here.

    How to be Lame

    Just in from my inbox: HOW TO BE LAME, v1.337. Pretty cute, but let me add #51: creating a blog and then not posting.

    Sorry folks. From reformats to coming up with programming and materials, it's been crazy... I'll try to do better.



    Friday, June 24, 2005

    Sirsi AND Dynix

    There has been lots of talk lately about the new SirsiDynix Corporation. Hopefully, any changes in a library's management system will go more smoothly than the initial announcement.

    I also hope they continue the Dynix Institute!

    U.S. Public Libraries Providing Unprecedented Access to Computers, the Internet, and Technology Training

    Nearly every U.S. public library offers free access to computers and the Internet, but overall libraries are challenged to provide enough workstations to meet demand, pay for ongoing Internet connectivity costs, and plan for necessary upgrades to the technology, according to a report released yesterday at the opening of the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference. More from

    Techno-Geek Jewelry

    Image hosted by Photobucket.comRevel in your geekdom! Check out this diode bracelet from Fractal Spin! I also love the $12.00 IDE belt. The men's aluminum wallet is very cool, but sold out!

    Monday, June 20, 2005

    ALA: Anxiety over Patriot Act is Justified

    The American Library Association released preliminary results from thier recent survey of how often law enforcement officials had queried patron records since 9/11/2001. Click here for ALA's press release on the subject.

    The survey revealed that more than 211 legally executed requests for information had been made.

    Noted in an article at Bloomberg Canada: The information for the survey was stored on a server in Canada - beyond the reach of U.S. Authorities.

    Sunday, June 19, 2005

    13 Ways to Kill Your PC

    Image hosted by

    PCStats has a super list of Beginner Guides. Here's my condensed version of what NOT to do to your PC:

    1. Use your computer to hide dust-bunnies.
    2. Don't worry that your computer is making more noise than usual, or making grinding sounds.
    3. Try replacing that dead motherboard yourself.
    4. Thunderstorms in the area? Just keep typing, it will go away soon.
    5. Go ahead and see if that old RAM stick you found in a drawer will work.
    6. Don't bother to turn off and unplug the PC while testing that old RAM stick.
    7. The surge protector doesn't really do much anyway, don't mess with it.
    8. Loose or dropped screws inside the case will just lay on the bottom, certainly not on an unshielded circuit.
    9. Constantly plug and unplug your USB devices. It's fun!
    10. Getting mad and throwing your keyboard on the wall is part of anger management.
    11. Pet your cat before touching something inside the case.
    12. Don't worry about internal parts jostling loose if you move or drop your PC.
    13. Be sure to overclock your system. Everyone does it and you don't need that warranty anyway.

    Saturday, June 18, 2005

    Technology Training To Go Presentation Downloads

    I was thrilled to do two conference sessions for Webjunction at the recent Technology Training To Go Conference in Orlando, Florida. Both "Webjunction for Trainers" and "Webjunction for Techies" are now online and available for download.

    I'm particularly interested in "Make Learning Stick (Without Using Duct Tape!): Matching Learning Outcomes to Teaching Strategies
    Rebecca Richardson, Purdue University Libraries" because I really wanted to attend that session but couldn't because I was doing my own!

    Thanks, Stephanie, it was a fantastic conference. :)

    But this is IMPORTANT: History of Spam


    Friday, June 17, 2005

    Clippings 6/17/05

    Haven't had a whole lot of time this week: Everytime I check Bloglines or and see something interesting to blog about, I've had to get back to work. Or psyched out, I dunno. Ah well. At least I haven't completely abandoned this blog...

    I did finish a major project today, a comprehensive circulation procedural guide. Whew! I also continued to worry about my very pregnant dog and...I bought a big truck. Posts have been way on the bottom of the task list!

    Speaking of tasks, did a "Getting Things Done" by David Allen class this week...will try to post the .ppt on Monday. I added several blogcasts from The Office Blogcast Repository, a great resource for Microsoft Office tips from UK tech guru Allister Frost.

    And, like Chrystie at WebJunction, I've got my own ALA Madness going on. Remember I coordinate travel for conference attendees? Ooh, my favorite part of the job. And I'm not even going this year! As Chrystie mentioned, they do throw a great party. I'm even in the community spotlight this month... I better not go, I'd be dancing on the tables!

    So for posting tonight I'll free-form...

    John Battelle's Searchblog notes that Google will offer a payment service much like Paypal later this year. Somehow, that's no surprise.

    11 Steps to a Better Brain [New Scientist] found at Neat New Stuff. “Working memory training could be the key to unlocking brain power.” I've thought for a long time that keeping the brain active, always learning, is the key.

    And on a related note via LIS News: The usefulness of librarians (Digital Curation Centre) "This is an opportunity for these professionals to take on new roles, first through training in new information technologies and second by creating new forms of partnership with scientists and researchers. The development of these hybrid skills is an urgent requirement for educational and research organisations."

    An amazing article titled How To Become a Librarian by Rachel Singer Gordon. I plan to add this to my online New Employee Orientation!

    I've especially loved Hope's Little Library since her boss has been gone! :)

    Ok, that's it. It's almost midnight and I'm pooped. I'll try not to stay away so long next time. Besides, Little League Baseball is ALMOST over!

    Thursday, June 09, 2005

    LIS Grants and Scholarships Worksheet

    The E-Learning Clearinghouse is in development at WebJunction. This LIS resource "will provide a searchable database of programs and courses offered by ALA-accredited graduate schools, community colleges, and regional service providers throughout the US and Canada. Potential students will be able to discover what type of online education is available, when, and at what cost - and then go to the education provider's Web site to enroll."

    Thier first offering is a handy, comprehensive list of grants and scholarships for information staff. Click here to download the Excel Worksheet.

    Great job and I look forward to more from the E-Learning Clearinghouse!

    Tuesday, June 07, 2005

    Florida Town Bans Sex Offenders from Libraries

    The city of Oviedo, Florida has passed a ground-breaking law concerning convicted sex offenders. The law only affects those convicted after October 1, 2004, but will go a long way in protecting children from future predators.
    The new law says that sex offenders who have committed crimes against children under 16 years old cannot live within 2,500 feet of schools, libraries, parks, playgrounds, day cares and churches. Read more from

    Monday, June 06, 2005

    Clippings! 6/6/05

    Am home today, trying to be patient: four HVAC companies coming to give quotes on a new system and one very upset dog. I'd be upset, too, if I were about to deliver 10-12 babies at one time!

    Here are some articles or sites I found interesting this past week...

    Aunt Annie's Advice - "Found Money #8 - The Library"

    Information Today, Inc. - Computers in Libraries - VOLUME 25, NUMBER 6 - June 2005 - "At this school library, you hear 'Wow!' not 'Shhh'"

    The Joplin Globe - Online Edition - Library 'filling a niche'

    The Search Engine Report - Number 103 - - 'Women in Combat,' Comment From a Librarian Serving as an Army Major in Iraq - Yahoo! Mindset: Intent Driven Search

    Library Stuff - Say Hello to PubSub Government

    Hope's little library - Humorous look at library worklife with a hilarious running commentary from a library tech to her boss, the director.

    E-LIS - The Next Information Revolution - How Open Access will Transform Scholarly Communications

    John C. Dvorak - Understanding and Reading a Blog

    Jason Santa Maria - Maintaining Motivation - Largest Photoshop tutorial resource on the web today.

    A Librarian's Guide to Etiquette - "Recruiting new librarians". Another funny, sardonic look at library worklife.

    Thursday, June 02, 2005

    Warning Label on Books?

    From The TimesUnion: A Guilderland, NY Library trustee wants bright stickers on any Young Adult book containing graphic sexual depictions.

    "We're not talking about censorship" said the trustee, John Daly. Excuse me, Sir, what else could it be?

    Naturally, a staff policy and procedures committee has recommended that this amendment not be passed by the board. "The change could create a logistical headache -- forcing library staff to actually read every page of every book that enters the young adult collection, rather than relying on the professional book reviews," committee member Sanchez Doolin said. Read more...

    Crafting Your Google Query by using Special Characters

    By using special characters and operators, such as +, -, ~, .., *, OR, and quotation marks, you can fine-tune your search query and increase the accuracy of its results. Read more...

    Excellent Google tutorial series at!