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An Open Weblog Dedicated to Library Support Staff
"Staffing Libraries since 537 B.C."
But I am cautious about the way Library 2.0 is pitched or hailed as A "movement" or "rallying cry" as many seem to do, seemingly without critical evaluation or assessment. More...I am reminded that Passionate Users Talk Different. Does this mean that the A-list Library Bloggers are more
Perhaps those promoting the Library 2.0 concept their weblogs they are just more "plugged-in" or more in tune with the needs of thier computer-savvy patrons.Among other things, a shared vocabulary helps experts and professionals get a message across more quickly. But it also helps build their passion. More...
With extensive input from hundreds of librarians and OCLC staff, the OCLC Market Research team developed a project and commissioned Harris Interactive Inc. to survey a representative sample of information consumers. In June of 2005, we collected over 3,300 responses from information consumers in Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Order the print version (purchase) or see the online version (free) here: http://www.oclc.org/reports/2005perceptions.htm