Thursday, July 21, 2005

PLA Grant: Institutional Scholarships for Public Library Staff

PLA provides funding for “Grow Your Own @ Your Library®” institutional scholarships for public libraries, 2005-08

CHICAGO - The Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), will award five public libraries with grants of $8,000 each to be distributed to staff for work toward obtaining a master's degree in library and information studies. The application deadline for this pilot program is December 1, 2005.

The scholarship terms require that $6,500 be used directly for payment of tuition at the undergraduate level, or at an ALA-accredited library school graduate level, for as many staff as the recipient library chooses, and $1,500 is to be used to support attendance for one or more of the selected scholarship recipients to attend PLA-sponsored continuing education. For criteria and application information, please visit PLA's website at: More from the ALA Press Release