Thursday, October 06, 2005

Sacremento library staff is mad as heck and not going to take it anymore!

Maybe it's not quite Howard Beale, but close...
Refusing to be "quiet, please," librarians are speaking out at the Sacramento Public Library, asserting they are overworked, understaffed and increasingly unable to meet the needs of patrons.

Budget-related issues resonating through the 27-branch system are echoing loudly at the flagship central library in downtown Sacramento, where employees recently signed a petition urging more staffing or fewer operating hours. In addition, librarians warned officials that funding cuts last year have resulted in poor customer service, safety issues and low employee morale.

"It is unacceptable to close public (information) desks," librarian Rebecca Higgerson told the Sacramento Public Library Authority Board. "It is unacceptable for patrons to stand in long lines because we don't have enough staff." More...